Welcome & Updates

Welcome to our 2024-2025 hockey season!  


We are pleased to welcome your family to KGHA for a great season of hockey.  Below you will find information that may help you navigate the first few weeks of hockey.  Additionally, you are encouraged to navigate to your child’s division specific section found in the House League menu of our website once the below details have been reviewed.  There you will find ice times and division specific information.   (*For the purpose of this communication; unless otherwise stated, the term player will include both players and goalies.)


Division & Birth Year 

U7 - 2018 & under 

U9 - 2016 & 2017

U11 - 2014 & 2015

U13 - 2012 & 2013

U15 - 2010 & 2011

U18 - 2007, 2008, 2009

Arena Description & Address

BSP:  Bell Sensplex - 1565 Maple Grove Rd.

CRC: CardelREC Recreation Complex (former Goulbourn) - 1500 Shea Rd.

CU:  Carleton University Ice House - Raven Road (*see parking instructions)

McNabb Arena- 180 Percy Street

Beckwith Hockey Arena - 1319 Beckwith 9th Line

*Carleton university Parking Instructions 

Your licence plate must be registered for Parking Enforcement purposes. Please provide your license plate information to the HotSpot (hotspotparking.com) parking system each time you park using the discount code provided. Your inclusive parking is for P3 ONLY and valid for up to 3 hours from the time of validation.

You may validate and park anytime 30 minutes prior and 30 minutes after your rental time (ice time), up to a maximum of 3 hours

Failure to validate your parking may result in vehicles being ticketed.

To validate your parking please visit HotSpot (hotspotparking.com)  and use the discount code KGHA24 once you have parked in lot P3.

Required Equipment and Proper Fitting

In order to participate in hockey, players are required to wear appropriately fitted mandatory equipment.  The following items must be worn at all times on the ice:

  • Helmet with full face cage/mask - Must be CSA Approved
  • Throat protector / neck guard - Must be BNQ Certified
  • Shoulder pads / Chest protector
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey gloves
  • Hockey pants
  • Jill
  • Shin guards
  • Hockey socks
  • Hockey skates
  • Jersey (KGHA will provide a game jersey once teams are formed.  Players require a jersey for pathway skates and sort outs which can be used for practices during the season.)
  • Hockey stick  (ensure proper length and taped)
  • Hockey water bottle (identified)
  • Mouth guards are recommended but not mandatory


For information on proper fitting of equipment, you can watch Hockey Canada’s Proper Equipment Fitting video or reference the Safety Requires Teamwork & Safety for All document starting at page 66 for detailed information on equipment for both players and goalies.   

Player Pathways (U9 & U11) 

As part of the Hockey Canada Player Pathway program, U9 and U11 players will have the opportunity to get back on the ice in a “player-friendly” scenario before formal sortout evaluations take place.  This season, player pathways will be specific to the program players have registered with.  Therefore, house league pathways will welcome only house league registered players.   


All U9 and U11 players are invited to attend 4 pathway skates to kick off their season before sort outs.  Attendance for the pathway skates are optional however, players are encouraged to attend all four 1-hour sessions to prepare for sort outs.


For pathway ice times, refer to your division’s house league page.  First house league pathway skates will be held Saturday, September 7th. 

Sort Outs (U9 - U18)

All players are expected to attend house league sort outs the weekend of September 21st and 22nd.  If your player is unable to attend their assigned ice time, please contact the VP of House League (vphouse@kgha.ca).  Player assignments for the second weekend will be available mid-week following the first evaluation session.  


U9 to U15 divisions will have a station based skills day on the first weekend of sort outs followed by games on the second weekend.  U18 players will only play games for all of their sort out sessions.


For sort outs, we kindly ask that families arrive at least 30+ minutes before the assigned ice time.  This will ensure players are dressed and ready for their sort out time.  If you and your child are new to hockey, we recommend that you arrive even earlier to ensure equipment is put on correctly and to provide sufficient time for a positive experience for your player.  Should you require any guidance on getting your player ready, please request a volunteer’s help from the check-in desk or ask for support from other parents in the dressing room.  We have fantastic hockey families and volunteers who are always willing to help support each other!

Dressing Room Policy

Please note that changes to the dressing room policies recently came into effect.  It is now required that “Minimal Attire” be worn at all times in the dressing room.  To change out of minimal attire, a player must use a private stall to do so.


An important and gentle reminder that starting at U11 and above, only females should be present in the dressing room.  We ask that fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, etc. may wait outside the dressing room if needed to help a player tie skates, etc. but may not enter the dressing room until such time that all of the players are fully dressed.   


You may review the new dressing room policies here:  Dressing Room Policy Implementation Guide, Dressing Room Policy, and Dressing Room Policy FAQ

Season Start

All families, from U9 to U18, should expect to hear from their new Head Coach by end of day Wednesday, October 2nd and be set to attend their first ice time on Saturday, October 5th.


U7 families should attend their assigned ice time on October 5th as listed in the division specific information tab.

Important Dates

U9 and U11 Pathway Skates:  September 7, 8, 14, and 15

U9 - U18 Sort Outs:  September 21, 22,  28, and 29

Start of season for all players:  October 5th

Thanksgiving weekend:  Only 1 ice time assigned to each team to allow family time

Christmas break:  No hockey December 22, 28, and 29

Playoff weekend:  February 28, March 1 & 2

Nepean-Kanata Championship games:  TBD (Tentatively March 17th or 19th)

KGHA House League Tournament:  March 21,22, and 23 weekend

U18 Graduating Player Game & Recognition:  March 29th

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