Program information
The KGHA offers a wide range of programs. To learn more about these programs, scroll down to the one you are interested in. Refer to the Registration Page for information on the number of teams in each level.
Junior FUNdamentals
- Appeals to: young girls, normally ages 5 and 6 (although girls as young as 4 by December 31st of the year can also register) who want to learn the skills that enable them to play the game of hockey
- Games: a couple of fun scrimmages per year, shinny in sessions
- Practices: Typically 2 sessions per week on Saturdays and Sundays that focus on developing the core individual skills of skating and puck handling
- Additional costs: Teams typically collect money from parents to support an end-of-the-season team party
- Other: based on Hockey Canada Initiation Program. The first session is the first weekend of October
Youth House League
- Appeals to: girls wanting to play hockey for the fun of it, and often for the first time
- Games: One league game per week. Occasional exhibition games.
- Practices: Typically 1 per week
- Tournaments: Up to 3 a season, including our own Kanata tournament at the end of March. One to two that may be overnight/away
- Additional costs: Teams seek sponsors, fundraise, and or collect additional fees from parents to cover additional ice time, tournaments, and other team costs that are not covered by registration fees. Parents/players cover their own costs associated with travel, accommodations, and food when away from home.
- Sort outs: Begin early to mid-September
Development Stream (DS)
DS is a subset of the house league program, offering an opportunity for house league players who are:
- looking for a development bridge to competitive hockey; or
- do not wish to make the commitment, in time or cost, to competitive hockey but are seeking more competition and skill development than is afforded by house league alone.
- program runs from the beginning of November to the beginning of April.
Youth Competitive Tier I
- Appeals to: girls wanting to play at the highest level of hockey, and who are prepared to make hockey their primary extracurricular activity
- Games: 20 ODWHA league games. Exhibition games throughout the season. ODWHA Playoffs. OWHA Playdowns.
- Practices: typically 2 to 3 sessions per week, on and off-ice
- Tournaments: typically play in 5 to 6 tournaments, four to five of which will be overnight, plus Provincials in mid-April if qualify in regional Playdowns
- Additional costs: teams seek sponsors, fundraise, and or collect additional fees from parents to cover additional ice time, tournaments, and other team costs that are not covered by registration fees. Parents/players cover their own costs associated with travel, accommodations, and food when away from home. There are tryout fees as well.
- Tryouts: May for Bantam and Midget AA. Weekend and week prior to Labour Day weekend.
Youth Competitive Tier II
- Appeals to: girls working towards playing at the highest level of hockey, who are prepared to make hockey their primary extracurricular activity
- Games: 20 ODWHA league games. Exhibition games throughout the season. ODWHA Playoffs. OWHA Playdowns.
- Practices: typically 2 to 3 sessions per week, on and off-ice
- Tournaments: typically play in 4 to 5 tournaments per season, 2 or 3 of which will be overnight/away, plus Provincials mid-April if qualify in regional Playdowns
- Additional costs: teams seek sponsors, fundraise, and or collect additional fees from parents to cover additional ice time, tournaments, and other team costs that are not covered by registration fees. Parents/players cover their own costs associated with travel, accommodations, and food when away from home. There are tryout fees.
- Tryouts: the week after Labour Day.
Youth Competitive Tier III
- appeals to: girls wanting to play competitive hockey, who are willing to make hockey a top priority, that have either not been selected to a higher level team, or have chosen not to compete to play in one
- game: twenty league games. Exhibition games throughout the season. ODWHA Playoffs. OWHA Playdowns.
- practices: typically two hours per week, on and off-ice
- tournaments: Typically play in four to five tournaments per season, two to three of which will be overnight/away, plus Provincials mid-April if qualify in regional Playdowns
- additional costs: Teams seek sponsors, fundraise, and or collect additional fees from parents to cover additional ice time, tournaments, and other team costs that are not covered by registration fees. Parents/players cover their own costs associated with travel, accommodations, and food when away from home. There are tryout fees.
- tryouts: follow Tier II, typically the second weekend of September
Ottawa Senators Hi Performance Teams
- appeals to girls wanting to play hockey at the very highest level, against national and international competition
- games: Intermediate AA - 38 League games across the province. Bantam & Midget AA - 20 ODWHA league games. Exhibition games throughout the season, some of which may be against college/university teams. PWHL & ODWHA Playoffs. OWHA Playdowns.
- practices: Typically 2 two-hour practices per week, 2 hours of on and off-ice conditioning
- tournaments: Expect to play in seven to ten tournaments, six to eight of which may be overnight, plus Provincials in mid-April if qualify in regional playdowns.
- additional costs: teams seek sponsors, fundraise, and or collect additional fees from parents to cover additional ice time, tournaments, and other team costs that are not covered by registration fees. Parents/players cover their own costs associated with travel, accommodations, and food when away from home. There are tryout fees.
- tryouts: spring tryouts, typically in April.
Jr Fun U7
This season, Jr Fun (U7) is a budget low of $350. For this amount, we are guaranteeing players 40 plus hours of ice instruction and an opportunity to participate in a local fun day with other associations. Jr Fun is also getting a refresh on jerseys and socks this season.

Jr Fun is a great start for any girl to learn skating fundamentals, meet new friends, and more importantly - have FUN!
The season runs from October 1st to April 2nd and registration closes on August 31st.
Questions relating to the program can be directed to