Respect in Sport

It is a requirement that one parent/guardian per athlete completes the program, prior to December 31st, 2018 for all players at the Jr Fun and Novice levels. Many of you will have already taken the program if you have boys playing hockey. If you have already completed this program through another association or sport, you do not need to take the course again but update your current registration with Respect In Sports to include KGHA affiliation and your child’s name.
This program is aimed at helping good parents become better sports parents, by providing some information and tools to help us better support our kids in hockey. It is a fact that 7/10 of adolescents, leave youth sports. For every adolescent boy that leaves minor sports, six adolescent girls will leave. This program helps to keep youth sports fun and safe for all, so kids will hopefully continue on in sports, well into adulthood. Parents are a key factor in whether kids stay, or leave youth sports.
The Respect in Sport Parent Program is a one-hour online program. It is internet based, so it can be done anywhere, anytime. There is an APP available, so it can be downloaded to your mobile device. You do not have to complete the program in one sitting, you can come and go from the program and it remembers where you left off.
While the requirement will be for one parent or guardian per athlete to complete the program, we strongly urge you to sit down as a family around the computer, including your kids, and complete the program together. If that is not possible, then we encourage whoever registers for the program, to share their username and password with their spouse/partner, or whoever else in the family regularly attends games, so as many members of your family as possible have the benefit of the information this program provides.
The cost of the program is $12 plus HST and is paid during the online registration process. This cost can be submitted to the league for reimbursement. As previously mentioned, if you have already taken the program, you do not have to repeat it, however, we will be asking you to “Import” your Respect in Sport - Parent Program certification, into our database, so we may track which parents have completed the program. If you do not have a credit card or Paypal account to pay for the cost, please contact
Completing your certification
Please complete the Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents.
- Select your preferred language English or French
- Click on: New to this program? Click here to register now
- Click on: Register (If you have not previously taken any Respect in Sport, or other Respect programs)
Recovering your certification
For those who have already taken the program click on Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents and follow these steps:
- Select Already certified? Import a Certificate
- Select Yes, Complete the Import
- Enter your certificate number then select Submit - Import a Certificate (if you need assistance looking up their certificate number) select the Help - Look up Certificate
- Continue with the import process
- When they get to the Child Management page, they must add a child. Click Add Child, then Click Ok
- Complete the information on the child (or children) then click on the plus sign beside Ontario Women's Hockey
- Association. This will display all associations. Scroll down until you find Kanata Girls Hockey Association and check the box beside it.
- Select Save and Add Child
Q. What is the Respect in Sport - Parent program?
A. It is a one-hour online education program, designed to help good parents, become better sports parents and help parents to understand how to empower the bystander. It is intended to create a platform for positive discussion around issues of respect and to help make sport safe and fun for kids.
Q. How much does it cost?
A: The cost of the program is $12.00 + HST per family. While it is only a requirement to have one parent/guardian complete the program, parents/guardians are urged to share their username and password with others in the household, so as many people as possible who are coming to games, have the information.
Q. What if a child is in foster care?
A: Any adult who is in a guardian/caregiver role and who takes the child to hockey, can take the program.
Q. Who pays the $12.00 fee?
A: Parents will pay the upfront fee; however, the KGHA will refund this fee when submitted to Qualification Reporting and Reimbursement.
Q. What if a parent/guardian does not have a Pay Pal account. How will they pay online?
A: Payment transactions are processed by Pay Pal, but you do not have to have an existing account, nor do you have to create a Pay Pal account in order to pay for the program.
Q. What if a parent does not have a computer?
A: Most public libraries provide free computer access.
Q: What if a parent does not have a credit card to pay online when they register?
A: Pre-paid one-time use credit cards can be purchased at numerous retail locations and used to pay.
Q. What if the parent has a language barrier?
A: The program is available in French or English. For parents who may struggle with English or French, they may ask a child, friend, or relative to sit with them as they go through the program, and assist/translate for them. Many communities have cultural centers which can assist as well.
Q. Some parents do not have the means to pay. How will they be able to take the course?
A: Please send an email to for assistance.
Q. How will local administrators/registrars know whether a parent has completed the program?
A: The Respect in Sport Parent Program is connected to the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR). Once a parent completes the Parent Program, the child’s name and date of birth as entered by the parent in the Child Management area of the program are automatically sent to the HCR where it searches for the same name and DOB. If it is found, the player profile in the HCR is updated to indicate the player has a parent who has completed the program. None of the parent’s information is transferred to the HCR. Local Registrars will also have direct access to the Respect in Sport - Parent Program database, as they currently do for the Activity Leader Program.
Q. What if a parent took the Parent Program through another sport. Do they have to take it again?
A: No. Parents can import their parent certification over to the OWHA parent program database. For those who have already taken the program please refer to the section Recovering your certification.
Q: If a parent has already taken the Respect in Sport activity leader program for coaches, do they still have to take the Parent Program?
A: Yes. The Parent Program is different in content from the Activity Leader program for coaches. The Parent program was created at the request of hockey coaches, and most coaches find the content very beneficial.
Q: How long is my Parent Program Certification good for?
A: At this time, there is no expiry, however, re-certification is at the discretion of the OWHA and OHF.
Q. What supports/resources are in place to assist associations and registrars/administrators with the program?
A: Respect in Sport works very closely with associations and registrars to support them through implementation and beyond. In addition to an 18/7 live person bilingual help desk, training webinars are made available to administrators/registrars.